
2019年3月24日—Yes-Assomeonewho'sworkedinenvironmentalnon-profitsandnowfundsprojects(includingtreeplanting),I'llpointoutacoupleof ...,2021年3月4日—Ecosiasays80%ofitsadvertisingprofitsareusedtoplanttrees.Thetotalmoneyspentonthisislistedeverymonthonitswebsite.Ecosia ...,Sometimeshangingfromatree,othertimescruisingonPeru'srivers-watchEcosia'sTreePlantingOfficer'smonthlyupdatesonhowyourtreesaregett...

Is Ecosia legit?

2019年3月24日 — Yes - As someone who's worked in environmental non-profits and now funds projects (including tree planting), I'll point out a couple of ...

How ethical is the search engine Ecosia?

2021年3月4日 — Ecosia says 80% of its advertising profits are used to plant trees. The total money spent on this is listed every month on its website. Ecosia ...

Proof that Ecosia really plants trees

Sometimes hanging from a tree, other times cruising on Peru's rivers - watch Ecosia's Tree Planting Officer's monthly updates on how your trees are getting ...

‍Ecosia Review

2022年7月6日 — Is Ecosia legit — or fake? ... Yes, Ecosia is legit. While most search engines are only in it for profit, Ecosia puts purpose at the forefront of ...

ecosia is fake, greenwashing and exploitation, they plant ...

2021年8月23日 — ecosia is fake, greenwashing and exploitation, they plant orchards with impoverished people using money from Bing's aggressive tactics. 130M ...

Is Ecosia Legit or Fake? An honest review of Search ...

More videos on YouTube ... In short, no. Ecosia promises never to share or sell any data they collect with any third party. However, the may be stealing your data ...

An Unbiased Review of Ecosia

2020年3月2日 — Is Ecosia legit or a scam? · Not planting the trees they claim to · Collecting user data to resell or other privacy issues · Offering misleading ...

Does Ecosia (the web browser) actually plant trees?

2018年2月3日 — Yes, Ecosia is a web search engine that uses its ad revenue to plant trees. The company works with various reforestation programs around the ...